Diary Fuck’n salesman Today, A salesman came into my house in Japan and he tried to sell wall panels for house to beatify the house.He says th... 2005.11.06 Diary
Diary Which do you like Kinoko or Takenoko? I found an interesting article. Every Japanese knows this snack. Kinoko no yama and Takenoko no sato Which do you like t... 2005.11.05 Diary
Diary Expensive…. I wan to join this event, but it's a little expensive for me.But I found a 18-year-old man in the participants of last e... 2005.11.01 Diary
Diary Karaage Today, I made Kara-age for Monday's pod luck party. Powder for Kara-age is very nice so I could make it nice taste. からあげ 2005.10.31 Diary
Diary Interesting observation To look Japan from out side is very interesting. For example, this article describes like this. The US has had tens of t... 2005.10.30 Diary
Diary OH NO! I've deleted old template files when I upgraded Movable Type version to 3.2-ja-2...... I didn't have back up, so I've ap... 2005.10.27 Diary
Diary Relaxation….. Today was sunny day so I went to Santa Monica beach to watch sunset after the class. Sunset was so beautiful! I brought ... 2005.10.26 Diary
Diary First road bike ride to Santa Monica beach I went to Santa Monica beach by bike. Today's weather was almost cloud, and sometimes rained. This bike is amazing bike!... 2005.10.22 Diary