Travel Went to Mexico, San Francisco, San Diego. I went to San Diego, Mexico, San Francisco this week. Now, I came back home. (Then I found water flowing from the ceilin... 2005.12.08 Travel
Diary wema This is a great web wiki tool. Functions are not enough yet but concept of idea and implementation quality is highly goo... 2005.12.03 Diary
Diary The first step of the business As a first step of the business, I registered the domain name and contracted with the hosting service. I'll take the fin... 2005.11.29 Diary
Diary Carbonara Today, I tried to cook carbonara. However, this meal is without the cheese. I put cheese into my basket at the store, bu... 2005.11.25 Diary
Diary Dreamweaver + Smarty 背景:PHPのSmartyを使っていて不便なことは,Smartyのinclude命令によって外部ファイルを読み込んでいる場合である.そのテンプレートファイルをDreamweaverで編集するときにはSmartyタグがHTMLとして認識される... 2005.11.24 Diary
Diary Thanks giving day We only have classes only 3 days in this week because we have thanks-giving holidays in this weekend. I heard from my na... 2005.11.21 Diary
Diary Recipe of simple Peperonteno Recipe of simple Peperonteno StuffSpaghetti: 100gOlive oil : 1.5 tbsp (20cc)Chili pepper : 1 clusterGarlic 1/2 clusterSa... 2005.11.18 Diary
Diary Peperonteno Today's dinner is peperonteno too. Too salty and oily... Quantity of oil and salt is difficult... 2005.11.17 Diary
Diary PHP Development Currently many PHP Development frameworks are made and many frameworks' development are stopped. I can't choose which is... 2005.11.13 Diary