Diary The first day of a new quarter in ALC Today is the first day of the winter quarter. I was nervous yesterday because I had a lot of homework in the last quarte... 2006.01.05 Diary
Diary Got flat middle of road bike ride… I went to Venice beach near LAX. When I was riding on the beach, I got a flat tire then I started to walk towards the ne... 2005.12.09 Diary
Diary wema This is a great web wiki tool. Functions are not enough yet but concept of idea and implementation quality is highly goo... 2005.12.03 Diary
Diary The first step of the business As a first step of the business, I registered the domain name and contracted with the hosting service. I'll take the fin... 2005.11.29 Diary
Diary Carbonara Today, I tried to cook carbonara. However, this meal is without the cheese. I put cheese into my basket at the store, bu... 2005.11.25 Diary
Diary Dreamweaver + Smarty 背景:PHPのSmartyを使っていて不便なことは,Smartyのinclude命令によって外部ファイルを読み込んでいる場合である.そのテンプレートファイルをDreamweaverで編集するときにはSmartyタグがHTMLとして認識される... 2005.11.24 Diary
Diary Thanks giving day We only have classes only 3 days in this week because we have thanks-giving holidays in this weekend. I heard from my na... 2005.11.21 Diary
Diary Recipe of simple Peperonteno Recipe of simple Peperonteno StuffSpaghetti: 100gOlive oil : 1.5 tbsp (20cc)Chili pepper : 1 clusterGarlic 1/2 clusterSa... 2005.11.18 Diary
Diary Peperonteno Today's dinner is peperonteno too. Too salty and oily... Quantity of oil and salt is difficult... 2005.11.17 Diary